

Manufacturing Execution System

More efficiency, less criticity and more competitiveness

Quality and performance are the key factors making more competitive each production dimension.
The aims of our MES modules are: following the production flows to guide operations and reduce errors due to inefficient management.

These modules allow to monitor the whole life cycle of the product: its creation and identification, assembly and testing operations, routing towards the bays of end of line and production declaration.
Each phase is kept under control thanks to OEE indicators able to measure and monitor the efficiency of production processes and compare results.


Collects data from production lines, evaluates the workloads
The production plant is the heart of the whole production process. For such reason, it should be provided with reliable and real-time tools suited to control equipment, operations performed in line and flows of finished and semi-finished products. The various modules design a network of tools managing the entire life cycle of a product from its creation and identification, though assembly operations, to final testing and routing towards the bays of end of line. The complete integration with ERP systems allows to eliminate errors due to manual input and provide a faster environment to support the functionalities of any logical area.

Why modular?
The heterogeneity of processes which are behind the creation of a finished product (or semi-finished product), requires dedicated software modules but all with a centralized and unified management. The collection of Testing Data from different test stations and the processes of manual assembly dhare a common instrument: Barcode of finished product. It is the unique key of all operations.
The modularity allows to guarantee fast response times and integration with other systems already present in the factory.




Communication module with ERP

Data exchange module with PLC

Automatic testing

Tracking and tracing module

Generation of labels in line and off line

Products sorting

Finished products declaration for beginning and end of line


Control quality and prodution statistics module

Module for production progress

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